Views: 4 Author: UC Marine China Publish Time: 31-08-2016 Origin:
Bureau Veritas Classes First Newbuilding LNG-Fuelled Tanker
Leading international classification society Bureau Veritas has classed the first LNG-fuelled newbuilding oil/chemical tanker, the 15,000 dwt Ternsund, built under BV class at China’s shipbuilder Avic Dingheng and delivered to Danish Terntank Rederi at the end of June 2016.
The new vessel, which is the first of a series of four ships all equipped with the Wärtsilä RT-flex50-D dual-fuel low-speed engine, is the result of close co-operation between Terntank, Avic and Bureau Veritas.
“This is the first installation of such engine and it was done under BV class. In early August the vessel became the first ever ship to take on LNG as bunker fuel in the port of Rotterdam, qualifying for an LNG bunkering premium equal to a ten per cent reduction in port dues,” Bureau Veritas said.
Ternsund is an IMO Type 2 oil/chemical tanker able to carry 9 grades of cargo in 16 different tanks. It will operate in North European waters under charter to a Finnish company.
The Wärtsilä RT-flex50-D dual-fuel low-speed engine will deliver 5,850 kW propelling the 147 m LOA vessel via a CPP propeller delivering a service speed of 14.5 knots.
LNG as fuel is stored on board in 2 Type C tanks on deck containing 315 cu m of LNG each.
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