Views: 9 Author: UC Marine Equipment Co., Ltd Publish Time: 29-07-2017 Origin:
Singapore Berge Bulk Expands Fleet with New Ore Carrier
Singapore-based dry bulk owner Berge Bulk has taken delivery of the latest in the series of four 262,000 dwt vessels, the Berge Annapurna.
Featuring a length of 327 meters and a width of 57 meters, the company’s newest ore carrier vessel was constructed by China’s Longxue shipyard and delivered to its owner on July 21.
Sailing under the flag of Isle of Man, the vessel will be deployed on the routes between Australia and China.
As part of Berge Bulk’s effort to minimize impacts on the ocean and the environment, Berge Annapurna was equipped with several energy saving devices, including the ENSaver, an energy monitoring software that provides a dashboard overview of all vital sensors to ensure the ship runs on optimum parameters; the rudder bulb and the Hub Vortex Absorbed Fins (HVAF), designed to reduce energy losses from the large propellers.
The vessel is also equipped with a Hull Monitoring System that enables the crew to monitor the stress responses in the hull structure during operations.
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